Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye: Quadrant Antagonism
Concerned Quadrant v Selfish Quadrant
Community-centred individuals desperately urge that cooperation, consultation and consensus should replace the selfish domination, exploitation and manipulation characteristic of Power-centredness.

Power-centred individuals, for their part, are contemptuous and critical of the softness, weakness and foolishness inevitable in democratic methods, and of self-sacrificing efforts to be tolerant and accepting.
The Reality-centred individuals are simply aware of what is happening, while the Kinship-centred families are uninterested.
Quadrant v Quadrant
centred individuals and groups often look aghast at the materialism of the . They seek to regulate its free-wheeling pragmatism and opportunism. They wish to channel money to their own ideals without considering where the money comes from.
centred people view causes as naive and irrelevant distractions. Businessmen and entrepreneurs find the talk of principles and values a waste of breath. The one-sidedness of pressure groups and the self-importance of professional bodies are draining and counter-productive.
centred people are well aware what is happening and keep out of it.
- Proceed to the Approach Duality: Well-being v Productivity.
Originally posted: July 2009